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Non-Prog Concert Reviews

Gordon Avenue

Live in Portland, Oregon, February 2013

Review by Larry Toering

Getting out to see Gordon Avenue hasn't exactly been easy this past year, as I have missed several opportunities to see them. I’m glad that the time actually came. First of all, this band consists of great players who do not miss a note, led by Gordon Avery, who is a very spiritual artist. Their tunes are a thing of pop perfection, combined with youthful culture and social political themes. But they also can go from that smooth pop structure to death metal interludes as well, but done with pure taste.

To call them “Christian rock” would be selling them short in every way, but there is that spiritual factor I mentioned. It just crosses over very very well, and that is about as much they have going on as I can tell. It was an impressive set in a rather intimate venue for the energy they displayed, but it all went down as a fantastic performance. I'm inclined to think a flaw in their music is not to be found, so it puzzles me how yet another Northwest artist isn't on the global musical map. I really like this band.

Larry Toering
Larry Toering

They played a very fun set, but the crowd seemed a little detached. I was also puzzled by that, because I think they should have been on their feet and cheering them, as I'm sure they do on a regular basis at their shows. That was the only thing that didn't fit the proceedings. Otherwise they had a blast running through their set, including rocking things up to the max with a playful Journey chorus section in there, as well. That was undeniably awesome, as the whole show generally was.

Larry Toering
Larry Toering
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2013  Volume 2 at
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