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Various Artists

Punks in the WIllows Written and Illustrated by Alex CF

Review by Gary Hill

This is an odd little book. It's also very cool. The message here is positive and one of unity and empowerment.  It takes the punk concept and turns it into a book that feels like something that seems like it could be crafted for kids, but it's written at a vocabulary level that is adult. That doesn't mean that there is a parental advisory. There isn't. It just means that there are words that would not be in a typical kid's vocabulary. It's a quick read, and while it doesn't mention any bands, specifically, if you look at the pictures, the characters wear band shirts of real acts. For MSJ reviews, the books have to fit under a music artist name, so that's why this is under "various artists." This is a music book that also isn't a music book. It's a kid's book that isn't a kid's book. It is entertaining and clever. It's definitely a quick read. The illustrations are great, and this is going to get one of our YouTube bonus videos because that's the best way to showcase this book. You can view it here:

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2023  Volume 3 More information and purchase links can be found at:


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