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The Resurrection of The Crazed written by Paul Wainwright

Review by Gary Hill

Do you remember the era of print fanzines? I certainly do. I collected them and even contributed to one. Well, technically I still contribute to it, but it's not print anymore, but rather online. Well, in the 1980s Paul Wainwright started a fanzine dedicated to his beloved psychobilly, garage and rockabilly music. It was called "The Crazed" and it ran for just four issues. This new book revisits the zine and publishes all the articles from the zine in book format.

If they had just reprinted the pages as they were, this would be an interesting artifact. This book goes in a different direction, though. Wainwright talks about the process of doing the zine. He documents the whole creative process and critiques his work. Then each article from each issue in text only format.

The book gets filled out with photos of the covers, memorabilia and so much more. This is an intriguing look at an interesting zine that might have otherwise been lost to the ravages of time. It's a well-made and great looking book, but if you know anything about Earth Island Books, that's a given.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2024  Volume 2 More information and purchase links can be found at:


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