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Last Chance Riders

Jet Lag Super Drag

Review by Gary Hill

This album really feels a lot like something that would have been at home in the 1970s. The band has the blues rock vein down in style. In fact, this almost sounds like what you might get if you merged Bonnie Raitt with Heart, Melissa Etheridge and Led Zeppelin. Sure, there are some more modern links, but those are more about nuance than substance. At their heart, this is a classic blues rocking band. They are also very potent, and their music is compelling. Most importantly, it's very entertaining, too.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2018  Volume 6. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Downright Disgusted
Some weird trippy music and sound clip stuff starts this. They explode out into a killer hard rocking riff from there. This is like Led Zeppelin mixed with Heart and some real blues. It's a killer rocker that's just very tasty.
Under Your Skin
That Heart thing is fully on display on this rocker. It's a bit less aggressive than the opener was, but it still has plenty of energy. This is a hard-edged tune for sure with some classic textures.
A bit less blues rocker and more mainstream rock tune. This has a pop rock edge to it. It's still a classy tune. It's just less intense and rocking than the previous two songs were.
Heart on a Chain
A killer blues rocker, this is screaming hot. It's more pure blues perhaps than anything else here, but that Zep meets Heart concept is a big part of it.
Lucky One
The same basic concept here is largely unchanged, but this is more of a 70s rocker and less blues tune. Heart is definitely a valid comparison point.
Valley Below
Another mainstream rocker, the chorus on this is particularly catchy. There is some decidedly meaty guitar riffing, too, particularly when you consider that the vocals are probably the key element here. There are also some rather alternative rock based guitar chords on this tune.
Tidal Wave
While this isn't a ballad, the first part of this is more ballad-like than a lot of the rest. It's another that is more of a mainstream rock tune. That said, there is still plenty of blues built into this thing. It has a scorching hot guitar solo, too.  This turns to a powerful rocking jam that has such cool hooks and just works so well before it all ends.
Another alternative rocker with a ton of bluesy edge to it, this is such a hot tune. It does a great job of combining all the elements we've heard here into another cohesive and effective piece of music. It's a powerhouse.

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