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Falkner Evans

Through the Lens

Review by Gary Hill

This is the second album from Falkner Evans that I have heard and reviewed. Like the previous one, this is all solo instrumental piano music. It's part jazz, part classical and something hybrid, too. No matter where it fits genre-wise, it's a potent release.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2023  Volume 3 More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Soul Witness
A piano chord starts this. That instrument holds it as it begins and arsty jazz meets classical exploration. This piano solo is nearly ten-and-a-half-minutes long, and it's experimental, expressive and evocative.
Almost a minute shorter than its predecessor, this is still epic in scale and scope. This is a great musical journey that seems almost boundless in its territorial reach.
Blues For Lucia
I dig this jazzy piano exploration. It's almost as long as the opener.
Living Forever
Perhaps a bit less exploratory, this has a lot of great melody and some real magic in place.
Through The Lens
At less than five-and-a-half-minutes long, this is the shortest piece on the album. There seems to be a sense of danger to this piece.

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