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Mark Adams Band

California Bound

Review by Gary Hill

The music here has a real timeless quality to it. This album features roots music. At times it's closer to country. At other points folk is the more central point. Then there are the more rocking tunes. The thing is, it all works well, and cooperates nicely. This is an effective set of music.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2023  Volume 4 More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
She Was Crying
Country, folk and roots rock are all merged on this number. It's catchy, classy and timeless.
December Blue
Folk and soft rock are the dominant things here. I really dig the mellow guitar solo section a lot. As strong as the opener was, this really elevates things for me.
Tongue Tied
A more rocking tune, this has a lot of vintage rock and roll in it. The guitar solo has a lot of that sound built into it. This roots rocker works well.
King of the Hill in Loserville
There is plenty of country and old-school rock and roll at the heart of this one. I dig the piano a lot, and the whole tune has a lot of charm. The picked guitar solo brings plenty of down-home style. A blues rocking electric solo later delivers something different, but no less traditional. There are some sounds at the end that seem to have two components, a chiming bell and something that I think is rolling glass bottles.
Unconditional Love
Down-home country rock with some hints of The Grateful Dead is the idea here. This is fun but not what I'd consider a highlight. The lyrics to this are very topical and rooted in our modern world in contrast to the retro sounds displayed by the music.
California Bound
This groove also has some Grateful Dead vibes. I can even make out some hints of punk rock on this thing, though. There is plenty of country here, too. It has some great guitar picking and a lot of class. This is one of the best songs on the album, making it a great choice for title track.
Little Old Wine Drinker Me
This ballad is very much a down-home country piece. It has some great slide guitar, but don't miss the picked playing or the piano.
Loving You the Way I Do
Country and rock merge on this mid-tempo number.
Chasing After Margaritas
An energetic tune, this has a lot of country music in the mix along with plenty of rock and roll. There is a Latin acoustic guitar solo mid-track. When it comes back out from there, it leans heavier on the country side of the equation. This is a fun romp.
Wait Until August
Country music, folk and rock all merge on this heartfelt piece. I like this one quite a bit, but it's not what I'd consider one of the highpoints.

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