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12 Little Killers

Review by Gary Hill

The music on this release is intriguing. It's varied. It has both a forward-looking focus and a basis in classic sounds. It's very cool from start to finish, but some songs stand taller than others do. The music varies from folk music at the beginning to more rocking things as it continues. It's an unusual mix of sounds, but a classy one.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2023  Volume 4 More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
I Am Not a Mountain
There is a homey, sort of world music meets folk vibe to this. It is stripped back early but gets more powerful with added layers of vocals later. This is a classy tune and a good opener.
Ain't Gonna Hurt
We get electric instrumentation on this one. It's a powerhouse rocker that has hints of The Beatles at times. This gets positively screaming, yet it's well built on 1970s concepts. There is a real blues rock vibe to this, particularly on the guitar solo section.
Something For Nothing
This gritty rocker has both modern indie-rock and classic 70s vibes built into it. There is a punky edge to this. It's fierce and meaty.
Stand By Your Fool
This feels between the previous two songs in some ways. It has a much more modern alternative rock sound overall, though.
If this is Love (Please Make it Stop)
There are some Southern rock elements at play here. This is hard rocking and driving with plenty of punky angles at play.
Country music and old time sounds are in the mix on this rocker. It's a fun romp that has a lot of magic in it. I dig the vocal arrangement quite a bit, and the changes are so classy.
The Existential Terrier
I really love the classy hooks on this. There are some decidedly glam rock like elements here. This is such a strong piece. It's both modern and classic in sound at the same time. It's also got a great contrast between more rocking and mellower portions. This is one of the highlights of the disc. It's just so strong.
Walking Away
A mellower cut through much of its run, this has some psychedelia in the mix along with alternative rock and more. It gets pretty rocking later. There are some particularly dramatic moments later, and some leanings toward David Bowie.
I can make out some David Bowie elements on this along with psychedelia and some Beatles concepts. This is a space rock styled number. It's all class.
This is another solid mainstream rocking tune. It works really well. It's catchy and timeless.
I dig the alternative rock meets psychedelic vibe of this cut a lot. This has a soaring concept at play. This gets into some space rock territory in the extended instrumental section at the end.
Somebody's Lovesong
Old school rock and roll is at the core of this number. There is doo wop and more here.

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