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Grand Marais

Review by Gary Hill

This is clearly not progressive rock in any kind of traditional sense of the word. However, there is an art music angle here, along with some post punk and a lot of quirkiness that makes this unique and intriguing. I think that qualifies it as art rock. This is largely, but not exclusively, acoustic driven. It's also entertaining.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2024  Volume 2 More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Cry Sailor Cry
I dig the driving acoustic guitar riff that starts this. After that introduction runs through, it drops to more of a folk music based concept for the backdrop for the vocals. It gets a bit more involved and turns a little trippy later.
Opening Band
More of a driving acoustic rock sound is on the menu here. There is a definite alternative weirdness and quirkiness at play later. Then it turns toward trippy space music for a time before making it back out to the song proper.
While based on mostly acoustic instrumentation, this has a real artsy and unique arrangement. I like the parts with multiple layers of vocals a lot. This has alternative rock, pure prog and art rock in the mix.
Let it Drop
This tune gets more electrified. It has more of a driving rock angle to it. Yet it's still artsy and quirky. It's more a post punk kind of tune.
Morrissey for Company
On the one hand, this is more folk rock based. On the other, though, it has some trippy moments and a lot of quirky angles at play.
It's a Laugh
This is a more driving tune. It's quirky and post punk related despite the acoustic nature of the arrangement. There is also a distorted electric section later in the piece.
Enter Sanden
Driving and fierce, this has a real punky edge. It features both electric and acoustic instrumentation. It reminds me more than a little of the Violent Femmes. It's angry and unusual. 
Catastrophe Beauty Mark
I dig this number a lot. it has both mellower and more rocking zones. It's both folk-like and punky. The overall effect is alternative art rock.
I Love You
Acoustic rocking music is on the menu here. It is among the most mainstream things here.
I Can't
Another quirky, alternative number, I really love the bass work later in this song. It's actually one of my favorite tunes here.

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