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Screaming Bones

And It'll All Be Good

Review by Gary Hill

If you like trippy, instrumental space rock, you should check this double CD album out. Like much good space music, this evolves slowly. As such this isn't necessarily the kind of thing you want to sit and listen to intently. It's also not all that well suited for track by track reviews, but that's how we do things at Music Street Journal. This often lands closer to the atmospheric end, but it manages to rock out at times. It's well worth adding to your space-out music collection.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2024  Volume 2 More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Disc 1
Ghost Ride

Percussion and trippy effects type sounds bring this in with a real space rock vibe. Bass joins after a while as this continues forward. The arrangement continues to fill out from there. This is cool and psychedelic with some hints of stoner rock.

Textural and trippy droning type sounds are on the menu as this gets underway. Spacey exploration that is more freeform and less rocking develops from there.
Trippy, noisy space music is on the menu here. There is some cool bass work a little further back in the mix. There is also some persistent percussion. Echoey guitar melodies emerge as this evolves. This really does grow, but like a lot of great space rock, it's gradual and incremental growth.
A Space Opera Pt.1
Spacey wind-like sounds start this. A droning element emerges from there. Keyboards come over the top at times as this grows outward. There is some cool guitar on this, and again the evolution is gradual, but definite.
Early Morning Brain Chaos
Keyboards get this underway in a decidedly electronic fashion. After a time, the rhythm section joins and brings a more rock vibe to bear. This is still trippy and electronic overall, though. Late in the track this gets some of the hardest rock sounds of the set with some distorted guitar.
Leave Me Alone
There is more of a rock groove built into this than some of the other songs have. This is decidedly space rock based, though.
Disc 2
Hive Song

Low register, echoey sounds get this going. It builds very gradually from there. It's quite a ride, although remaining a little understated.

A Psychedelic Tune For Your Afternoon Tea
Trippy, ambient, effects-laden sounds get us going here. The track grows gradually. There is some cool guitar work on this thing. It's actually one of my favorite pieces here. While it remains on the mellow side, it's spacey mood just works so well.
A Space Opera Pt.2
Electronic space textures get us underway here. Later there is a section that feels a little like chorale voices providing an almost droning effect. The focus on this track is really on texture and atmosphere. It becomes more electronic again, but never really rises upward. Instead, this is a slab of space ambience.
Sleep Well, My Friend, Sweet Dreams
Another mellower piece of space music, this has some almost jazzy guitar built into it at times. It's a solid number that works well, but it's not one of my favorites. Still, it works well as a closing shot.

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