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George Harrison

A Beatle In Benton: The Documentary 60th Anniversary DVD

Review by Gary Hill

I have to admit that, as a resident of Illinois for my entire life, I'm shocked that I never heard of this story before. George Harrison and his brother Peter travelled to Benton, Illinois (near St. Louis) in 1963. The two Harrisons were visiting their sister who was living there for a couple weeks. The Beatles were mostly unknown in the US at that time.

This is a fascinating look at this intriguing piece of Beatles history. While this doesn't work that well as a cohesive documentary, it is packed full of footage, data, audio recordings and more. The quality is not all great, but the historical value certainly is. There is more than 7 hours of footage here spread across two discs. This is just such a great find for me. It is something I'll probably keep coming back to over the years.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2023  Volume 4 More information and purchase links can be found at:


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