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Progressive Rock Interviews


Interviewed by Josh Turner
Interview with Piero Delucia of Nightingale From 2004

This interview is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2004 Year Book Volume 3 at

Thanks for taking time out of your schedule to answer my questions. I would like to start by finding out if you are currently involved in any tours or concerts at this time.
Actually, we're making occasionally gigs. Me and Francesco are engaged by university, I also spent a lot of time to finish a soloist acoustic work. However, we try to play wherever we can.
MSJ: How did you come up with the name Nightingale for your band?
I believe that is very difficult to choose a name that will represent your music. For me the name of a band has not to have a particular meaning (you can grow up and discover new dimensions of life, so your music and messages may be change), it's more important the sound and the sensations it can give. After a lot of time (we played for 3 months without a name) I came up with this reading Keats' poetry "Ode to a Nightingale". It gives you a sensation of lightness and pleasure, the same sensations that music gives to me.
MSJ: Are you aware of the progressive metal band also named Nightingale, which is fronted by Dan Swano?
Unfortunately, we heard about them too late so we couldn't have changed the name of the band before the coming out of the CD. In the future we're going to change the moniker in "Elsehow."
MSJ: How did you decide upon the name Daylight Saving Time for the album title?
The "Daylight saving time" is an allegory representing the attempt of all mankind to follow happiness (the daylight) with all their strength trying to change the natural being of themselves (in the same way changing the natural solar time), despite they know that this happiness can last very soon (it's only 1 more hour). I believe that this is a mark of the human being.
MSJ: I see the lyrics are very philosophical. What are you singing about?
The lyrics speaks about a pessimistic-optimistic vision of life. There I discover the senselessness of creating order in a chaotic reality, the deep loneliness caused by the impossibility of a real communication and the sadness of knowing these 2 things. This is mixed with an undeadly hope for something new; a sort of children's charm for everything around me.
MSJ: Does the album follow a theme? Is this is a concept album?
No, it's not a concept album. I use the writing to objectify different feelings of different times. Then playing them I refeel that sensations.
MSJ: The music is quite diverse. How do you come up with the ideas and compose the material? Please explain your songwriting process.
My compositive approach is based on a continuous research and experimentation of genres and sounds. Usually I'm stimulated to write a piece when I have an idea completely different from the last one I used for the last piece I wrote. Generally, I keep the piano or the guitar and try to translate through them what is in my mind in that moment. Then I try to arrange that idea creating order in what previously was confused (the inspiration), also thinking about other instruments. The inspiration moment takes few minutes, the arrangement one may take months till I'm fully convinced of the piece.
MSJ: Do you have any plans for another album at this time?
Yes, I'm just writing new material.
MSJ: What should we expect from the upcoming album?
The new pieces have a more acoustic and electronic approach. I'm concentrating more to the research of a personal "sound," I believe that the new material is more mature than the past one.
MSJ: How did you meet your band mates?
I met Francesco D'Ercole when I was at school at the age of 11 while Paolo Ruggeri lives near my old home. Nicola Ruggieri was presented to me by a friend of mine when we where in search of a new bass player 2 years ago.
MSJ: Who are your musical influences?
A lot of different bands have influenced me, I listen to music and buy cds till I was a boy because my brother worked in a radio station. I think of bands like King Crimson, Yes, Camel, UK, PFM, Area, Genesis, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, The Police, Rush, Dream theater, Fates Warning but also bands like Mr. Bungle and Faith No More (I love Mike Patton). Now I also listen to electronic bands like Air (their last album is so refined and brilliant) and Chroma Key; I can say that Kevin Moore is one of the best artist of our time.
MSJ: How did you decide you wanted to be a singer, guitarist, and bassist? What prompted this multi-instrumentalist approach?
Most of musicians live music as filtered by the instrument they play and I think that this is a limited way to approach music. I try to feel it in it's entirely having the most possible point of views, so despite of being a guitarist I like to play bass and piano and I love singing too. It's very natural this approach to music in me.
MSJ: When did your involvement in music begin?
When I was 9 years old. My father quite obliged me to learn classic guitar. It's so strange but I remember that I was very sad of it. Then when I was 13, I bought an electric guitar and started to play with some friends of mine. My father wasn't so happy of that choice.
MSJ: What is the last CD you purchased?
Chroma Key, "Graveyard Mountain Home."
MSJ: What is the last concert you attended?
PFM live in Bari some months ago.
MSJ: I would like to ask about some of your favorites. What is your favorite album?
It's so difficult to choose only one album. My favorite album of ever are Chroma Key, "You Go Now," Dream Theater, "Awake," Faith No More, "Angel Dust", Black Sabbath, "Sabotage," PFM, "Jet Lag," and now also Air, "Talkie Walkie."
MSJ: I would like to ask about some favorites that are not specifically related to music. What is your favorite movie?
I really love Kubrick movies. My favorite one is, "2001: A Space Odyssey."
MSJ: What is your favorite book?
"The Man in the High Castle," by Philip J. Dick. I love that writer.
MSJ: Before we wrap up, is there anything you would like to say to your fans at this time?
Please visit our web site for mp3 files and news. If you have any question about us or the availability of our full-length write us at . Visit to buy our last album. While if you want to know my new acoustic soloist project you can get two songs in mp3 format at or ask me the complete 12 tracks demo at .
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