I have to admit that I’ve always sort of been in the periphery when it comes to this band. I’ve heard quite a bit of their stuff, and liked it, but I’ve never called myself a fan.
Dosage Review by Lisa Palmeno Collective Soul's Dosage is definitely "collective"; the sum of the the parts make a very cohesive, coherent, and unified artistic piece. The CD is percussively unique overall, with many different sounds that would appeal to gen x'ers, but loaded with influences from the '70s on up.
Collective Soul - Live in Beloit, Wi, July, 2005 Review by Lisa Palmeno Collective Soul first blasted onto the stage in 1994 with their megahit CD Hints Allegations And Things Left Unsaid. This summer's tour marks a decade for them, and the May 24, 2005 release of From The Ground Up has thrust the alternative rock gods back into the limelight.