After the first couple of listens, I thought this record was pleasant enough but nothing too special. But it suddenly dawned on me about 3 weeks after I got it...I still wanted to listen to the damn thing!
Lillian Axe - Lillian Axe Review by Gary Hill Lillian Axe (at least in my head) got caught up in the "hair metal" movement of the 1980's. I recently discovered them with their latest disc and am now getting a chance to catch up on some of their back catalog.
Lillian Axe - Love + War Review by Gary Hill The second release from Lillian Axe, this has just been remastered and released. While their first disc was strong, this album showed them in a much more potent place in terms of songwriting and performance.
Lillian Axe - Waters Rising Review by Gary Hill I have to admit, I’ve never heard Lillian Axe before. There were so many metal bands coming out in the 1980’s and most of them were bad, that I sort of ignored a lot of them.