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Depeche Mode
CD Reviews
Playing the Angel
Review by Gary Hill
I remember back in the day being dragged kicking and screaming into liking Depeche Mode.

DVD Reviews
Depeche Mode - Backbeat To Glory DVD
Review by Gary Hill
This new DVD documentary is a bit of a mixed bag. I mean, I learned things I didn't know about the band.

Depeche Mode - Rewind: Depeche Mode: 30 Years at the Edge
Review by Gary Hill
Depeche Mode were really always a special band.

Depeche Mode - The Dark Progression DVD
Review by Gary Hill
These unauthorized documentaries are always iffy. Typically they can’t use the music or any interviews of the band members.
Related Articles
Bicircular - Black Celebration
Review by Gary Hill

This new disc is a tribute to the Depeche Mode album of the same title. Don't expect a carbon copy of the original, though.

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