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Metal/Prog Metal CD Reviews

Sudden Death

Unpure Burial

Review by Greg Olma

I have to admit, I normally do not listen to this type of music. The "cookie monster" style of vocal delivery is something I never understood. Until now. A friend told me that I have to forget about those Robert Plant style of vocals and look at the new singing as more of an instrument; another element of the music and not just the conveyance of lyrics. Once I opened my mind to that way of thought, I started to appreciate the new death metal. I would have always thought that Sudden Death delivered on a musical level but the vocals are the key factor in my past apprehensions. Now that I realize why the singing is the way it is; I have a new found appreciation for this style. This is the first release by Sudden Death and they make the most of it. I have listened to it a few times and with each play, it grows on me more and more. For those of you out there who were like me and would not give this kind of music a chance because of the vocals, do yourselves a favor; get this disc. You will hear the next wave of American Heavy Metal and you won't want to be left out.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2006 Volume 4 at

Track by Track Review
The disc starts off with some clean riffing that reminds me of Annihilator. The vocals are of the new metal variety but they fit the music perfectly.
You Don't Give A F***
For those of you out there who like Cradle of Filth, this track is for you. The screaming vocals remind me of Dani Filth. The music, while being heavy as heck, is extremely tight. It's it not quite "math" metal but it does contain the same tight-ness.

Black Sabbath's influence can be heard on this doomy cut. Although the lead guitar work is very Annihilator-ish (that is a compliment), the doom aspect of this song gives it an updated Sabbath feel.

Living And Dying
This track contains the catchiest and coolest riff of the whole album. The guitar work throughout is great but I keep coming back to this tune after repeated listens.

An old school vibe with new school vocal delivery is the best way to describe this cut. During the chorus, there are some thrash elements thrown in to make this one of the stand out songs on the disc.
My Left Shoulder
For the first time on the album, Jon Kaufman sings with an old school vocal style. He sounds a bit like Glenn Danzig. This is the best song on the CD due to the cool riffing and perfectly matched vocal delivery.
Unpure Burial
f Satan made albums, they would sound like this track. The drummer gets quite a workout with all of the double bass playing. If the band was going for an evil sound, they achieved it.

Black Hearted Soul
The Black Sabbath influences make their appearance again. The vocals again are a mixture of old and new school metal. This style really helps the pacing of this album and gives the listener a bit of variety.

This song stands for "Bind, Torture, Kill." [It's written about the BTK Killer- ed.] There are thrash elements right before the chorus that keep this track in an old school metal vibe. This is another stand out cut on the album.

Dethroned Disciple
To keep things interesting, there are many different parts in this tune. Some sections are early thrash sounding, while others remind me of Venom. The singing is also more restrained during some portions which gives it that old school sound. It's a great way to end the CD.
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