Icarus Witch Draw Down The Moon Review by Greg Olma
Every now and then I get a CD that totally blows me away.I had not heard anything from Icarus Witch and my only recollections of the band were posts I saw on Blabbermouth.net.It’s a shame really that it has taken me so long to get anything from these guys because this record is one of my top 5 for 2010 so far.These guys are definitely brought up on good old school metal from the NWOBHM era and have added little bits here and there to make it their own.Are they totally original?No, but then again who is?I could care less about originality when the music is this good.I would love it if more bands followed suit and played this type of metal instead of the euro power metal or that de-tuned sound that everyone (and I do mean everyone!) is copying.Matthew Bizilia possesses a great set of pipes that follow in the Rob Halford/Bruce Dickinson tradition and Quinn Lucas riffs with the best of them.Jason Myers (bass) and Steve Johnson (drums) provide a solid rhythm section for the other two to add the finishing touches.If you are like me and you grew up on the music of Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and all other classic metal bands, then do yourselves a favor and get this CD.It will take you back to time when metal ruled the world.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2010 Volume 2 at lulu.com/strangesound.