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Metal/Prog Metal Concert Reviews

Geoff Tate

Geoff Tate's Queensrÿche Live in Rockford, Illinois May 2014

Review by Eric Meli

Well I was never much of a Queensrÿche fan. That was true until the starting intro played and Geoff Tate and band came out on and rocked the stage.

The band itself is packed with years of experience. Bassist Rudy Sarzo has played with everyone from Ozzy Osbourne to Quiet Riot, Blue Oyster Cult and Whitesnake. His brother Robert Sarzo (Hurricane) plays guitar. Kelly Gray also plays guitar. Gray has been with Tate for years. Randy Gane handles the keyboards. Simon Wright is pounding the drums for the band. Wright has played with AC/DC and Dio.

Eric Meli
Eric Meli
Eric Meli

The crowd could sometimes be considered another member of the band. That was particularly true when the participation peaked bringing a lot of energy to songs like “I Don’t Believe in Love” and “Jet City Woman.” Geoff Tate’s voice is always top-notch. They played for over an hour. During the course of that time they did almost the entire Operation: Mindcrime album and two songs from the Empire disc. If you have a chance to catch this awesome band, do it. This is the farewell tour for Tate under the Queensryche banner, but if you don’t make one of these shows, it’s a safe bet the same group will be out under Tate’s name alone for years to come.

Eric Meli
Eric Meli
Eric Meli

(Editor’s Note – There is a reason this review is under “Geoff Tate” rather than Queensryche. For those who haven’t followed, there have been two versions of Queenryche on the road and recording for the last few years. That produced some law suits on both sides. Recently the two groups have come to an agreement. The other band will keep the name Queensryche, while after this farewell tour, Tate will play under the banner “Geoff Tate, the voice of Queensryche.” To avoid confusion and since it’s the most accurate reference given that information, we’ve catalogued this review under Tate’s name. Technically, though, this show was billed at “Queensryche Featuring Geoff Tate”).

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2014  Volume 3 at
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