Alice Cooper Live in Las Vegas, Nevada, August 2017 Review by Larry Toering One of the shows on this Vegas trip was seeing the spectacular Alice Cooper event on a three-band bill with Deep Purple and Edgar Winter Group. It was not a well-paired event on anything besides paper though. Edgar Winter belonged somewhere else in his own light. Deep Purple were only allowed 70 minutes after Alice Cooper’s set changeover difficulties. His concerts are not easy to follow, in-fact they prove impossible on this tour. He and his band came out on top no matter how you slice it. See my Deep Purple review for more details.
I managed to get up to Seattle from Portland a few months prior to this show, and met Alice Cooper at Comic Con (I met Ozzy when I was 15, so it was about time I did it). This resulted in a photo opp and my ticket for this show was signed. I spoke with him for a few minutes, and it all helped prepare for the concert.
Bonnie Toering
Bonnie Toering
They came out all sparked up and ready to bring the house down, which they did. I may have wanted a different song or two, but they played what must’ve been 18 songs or so. Everyone was showcased in limelight fashion, including most recently acquired guitarist and drummer Glen Sobel who blew me away. He’s a monster if there ever was one.
Bonnie Toering
Bonnie Toering
It was the third time I’d seen Alice, and I’d do it again. The stage antics were epic, and beyond what I’d expected from seeing him before. It was like a whole new Alice but much of the same thing going on. They bring a vibrant element to an old tried and true act, and it would satisfy anyone who witnessed it. I have-to give it up for Alice who even rivaled seeing The Who the night before. Maybe it was too much music for one week, but I’ll never forget what Alice Cooper brought to it.
Bonnie Toering
Bonnie Toering
As I recall they played two or three new numbers off his new album, Paranormal, but this crowd was an issue, as it seemed like practically no one was there to hear anything new. They seemed to beat all the odds either way, by bringing the money’s worth, and that’s what matters most when you’re travelling to see anyone. I have-to say it delivered on that and every other count I mentioned.