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Progressive Rock DVD/Video Reviews

Fido Plays Zappa

Live On The Dental Floss DVD

Review by Gary Hill

So, you don’t think humor belongs in music? Then shut this thing off. OK, what have we got here? Well, this is a Swiss group performing Frank Zappa songs. Why should we care? Well, first off because they sound great. They manage to capture the spirit and music of Frank Zappa while still making this their own. The DVD is entertaining and tasty. They give us jazz band treatments of a bunch of Zappa classics that are sure to please pretty much any fan of FZ. The thing that got me at first were the captions showing the lyrics. That is until I noticed the humor involved in those – especially the longer the show went on. This is highly recommended to all Zappa fans.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2009  Volume 2 at
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