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Progressive Rock DVD/Video Reviews

The Cyberiam

Live in the Cyberiam Blu-ray

Review by Gary Hill

This is a new release from the Chicago act The Cyberiam. These guys, like a lot of prog bands, are impressive on studio releases, but really need to seen in live performance to be fully appreciated. Mind you, I've not seen them live beyond watching this release, but it's enough to really get it. I've reviewed some of their studio music previously (and one release in the current issue), so I won't go into those kinds of details here. I will say that watching these guys you are likely to be amazed seeming the virtuosity they display. They do it all in arrangements that lean toward heavier music and textures, but are still fully prog. The video is captured quite well. The post production stuff sometimes gets a little heavy on the video side. I think I'd prefer it to be a bit more of un-augmented video. If I had another complaint, it's that the video plays less like a concert video and more an album of separate cuts because it stops and restarts from song to song rather than running straight through. Still, when it's this good, that's just a minor complaint. This also includes some bonus music videos to complete the package. I can't imagine a better introduction to this great band other than actually seeing them in person.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) in Music Street Journal: 2020  Volume 2. More information and purchase links can be found at:

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