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Rachel McIntyre Smith

Glory Daze

Review by Gary Hill

This EP features a nice blend of sounds. Country, folk, pop rock and more are heard here. While this has a modern angle, it also feels well rooted in tradition. This is dynamic, diverse and effective. It also makes for a nice introductory calling card for a talented artist.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2023  Volume 2. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Glory Daze
Smith's voice starts this with no accompaniment. As the song continues the only addition is backing vocals for a time. Eventually acoustic guitar rises up to join. While this remains a balladic cut with an emphasis on the voice, other instrumental things join after a while bringing a country folk element with them.
Queen of Our Hometown
More of a rocking tune, this still has plenty of country music in the mix. It's another satisfying piece on a disc full of intriguing music.
The Woulds
This has more of a country or bluegrass vibe to it. I'd say that this one probably fits more firmly under the country banner than either of the two songs that preceded it do. I dig the banjo, and the energy and hooks are great, too.
First Love
Folk music, country and modern pop rock all merge on this. It's not quite a ballad, but perhaps closer to a soft rock song. It has some tasty textures and strong vocal hooks.
Miss Highfalutin
This is a more powered up tune. It has a great energy, and it's a lot of fun. There is still plenty of country music built into this thing via the instrumentation. I don't really hear a country angle to the vocals.
High School Reunion
The closer is a fun pop rocker with plenty of country built into it. It's another entertaining one. It makes for a satisfying conclusion.

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