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Review by Gary Hill

This Norwegian progressive rock act is so interesting. Their music is heavily rooted in classic prog, but it's also modern. There are definitely psychedelic elements at play, both old school and neo-psychedelic. While this feels somewhat familiar, it's also fresh and unique. It's challenging music that manages to be accessible, too. This is a study in contrasts in a lot of ways, and a very effective one at that.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2023  Volume 2. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
This comes in with a killer blending of jazz, fusion and prog concepts. This has plenty of modern prog vibes, but also a lot of classic. It's fast-paced and so classy. There are a lot of cool twists and turns here.
Free Will
As fast as the opener was, this comes in even more crazed. It has plenthy of jazz at play, but when it shifts to a more melodic groove for the song proper, it becomes more purely prog rock based. This gets so crazed as it builds out later. There are defintiely some noisy psychedelic elements at play at times.
This comes in fast-paced and riff driven. There are moments where the vocals make me think of Bono. This is a killer modern prog screamer. The instrumental break on this track is pure fire. It has some great keyboard and guitar work and plenty of jazz built into it.
All Is As It Should Be
Fast paced, soaring prog is on the menu here. It's another that's both modern and classic in nature. The instrumental jam later in the track gets into some territory that seems to channel a lot of vintage prog rock. This thing just keeps shifting and growing in great ways.
Show Me What You Got
The riff that starts this and holds much of the track is great. There is an unusual drop back section later in the number to an almost folk rock section. It eventually works back out to the more standard prog zones to finish things.
Fire & Water
The same basic concepts we've heard so far are on display here. This is a cool energized prog rocking tune. For some reason I'm reminded of Jellyfish just a little at times.
This is a little trippier and psychedelic. There is a dreamy sort of groove to it. This works out to more of the kind of thing we've come to expect further down the road. It even has some hints of things like soul music to me. We get another mellower excursion later, too. That section eventually transitions it into the album's closer. As ever-changing as much of the music here is, this might the most dynamic and varied track on the album.
When You Call
Coming straight out of the last song, this rises up gradually from the mellow, keyboard atmospherics that start it. The song has a real psychedelic dreamy aspect to it merged with modern prog concepts. The cut gets quite involved and powerful, while also maintaining a fairly straight-line approach.

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