MSJ: This interview is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2003 Year Book Volume 3 at https://garyhillauthor.com/Music-Street-Journal-2003-and-2004/.
Patrick: How is the remastering going? |
Good. |
MSJ: Patrick: When do you foresee completion |
Hopefully in the next couple of months
We would like to get them all out at once |
MSJ: MSJ Gary: You had to cancel some gigs, right? anything new getting scheduled? |
We are looking at a festival in Germany and a few here in the summer. We are organizing support right now and advertising . |
MSJ: Patrick: Are you going to have that info posted on your site? |
Derek "Mo" Moore: As soon as it is set
We do not want to post stuff that is not set in concrete.
MSJ: MSJ Gary: Any thoughts on doing a new album? Or just concentrating on the reissues so far? |
Derek "Mo" Moore: I think we are looking at Canada at the beginning of July.
We are also working on a new album. |
MSJ: Patrick: I have a more art related question if I may? Who does your cover art? And where does the inspiration come from? |
Derek "Mo" Moore: Wenske
Don't know if he is still alive
hope so |
MSJ: Patrick: So will you try to contact him for your new album? |
I believe that is the plan, yes
MSJ: MSJ Gary: So, will the new album be more along the lines of the older, more prog stuff, or in line with the mode of Man In The Moon or Magic Is A Child? |
Wait and see we have a lot left and some new..it's sounding pretty good |
MSJ: MSJ Gary: Cool...not that I don't like the more pop oriented stuff, just prefer the other |
We have always gone in many directions
I think you will like it
Mikey likes it |
MSJ: MSJ Gary: If it's Nektar, I know I will and hey, Mikey's word is good enough for me |
It's great to be playing together again. |
MSJ: MSJ Gary: Still doing the old light show? Or a new version? . |
Derek "Mo" Moore: We are integrating the old with a newer computer version, bringing it up to date. |
MSJ: MSJ Gary: How are you guys about people taping shows...that's a bit of controversy for many bands. |
Derek "Mo" Moore: I do not think it's a good idea. |
MSJ: MSJ Gary: Just curious as to your reasons...it is a definite debate out there |
Derek "Mo" Moore: I think we will record all of our future shows and have special official bootlegs so the sound will be good. |
MSJ: MSJ Gary: Excellent...now that is what all bands should do... maybe give the people at the show a special address to order it from? . |
Derek "Mo" Moore: Maybe we will do that through our fan base and all info will be on our site |
MSJ: MSJ Gary: Very cool! I have wondered why more bands don't do that .
Patrick: Actually some are but they charge a fortune for them.
They charge just as much as studio albums if not more.
Gregor: Would you offer them as downloads off your site? |
Problem is that in 10 seconds it is on the net for free and there are costs involved in doing it right. |
MSJ: MSJ Gary: Well, with the rippers out there, doesn't take much longer than that.
Patrick: That is true maybe that's why the bands wrap them up with a pretty package. |
We will have good artwork and things people will want to have. |
MSJ: MSJ Gary: Exactly, some extras
Patrick: I think that would help. I know some bands actually create a set for the entire tour. |
Derek "Mo" Moore: When we release all of the back catalogue and a new remixed version of Journey I would like to have a box with all the album art full size. |
MSJ: Patrick: That would be the way to go. |
Derek "Mo" Moore: Maybe in booklet form 5 color. |
MSJ: MSJ Gary: That is one of the things definitely missing from the days of vinyl
Patrick: Like a collectors set
MSJ Gary: I will take CD for portability and dependability any day, but I miss the cool booklets and art .
Gregor: That would be cool. I really miss the posters you would sometimes get when you purchased an album. |
The CDs sound good, but the artwork is too small, and the lyrics unreadable. |
MSJ: Patrick: Maybe a fold out that is actually a large poster? And if you collect all five it would make a huge poster when you put them together. Something like that... |
Derek "Mo" Moore: Maybe the box could be available separately so you could buy the CDs as you could and put them in the box. |
MSJ: Patrick: Yes, and then you would complete the box set as it were, over time. |
Derek "Mo" Moore: RTF came out good and we are excited about putting them all out. It would spread the cost |
MSJ: Patrick: And keep people coming back for more. |
Derek "Mo" Moore: We are negotiating to bring them all out here in the states, all at once probably by summer.
It only seems quiet but the wheels are turning. |
MSJ: MSJ Gary: Doing the back work makes the front end stuff go all that much more smoothly. |
Derek "Mo" Moore: That's the idea, we want it all to go well.
The shows so far have been fun, and we like the line up.
The sound is full, even better than it was.
I hope 2003 will be a blast off again for the band.
The girls are good, and the percussion/vocals are great, too. Looking forward to playing out again, we will hit Europe, US, Canada and Japan
Fasten your seat belt...there is no holding back |