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Progressive Rock Interviews

John Petrucci

Interviewed by Gary Hill
Interview with John Petrucci From 2000
MSJ: Who are some of your musical influences?
Yes, Rush, Steve Morse and the Dregs, Metallica. I'm trying to think of what else. I mean Sabbath, Ozzy, Metallica, Maiden stuff like that (for the more metal influences ---editor).
MSJ: Will there ever be any more Liquid Tension Experiment CD's or tours?
Probably not more records, but we would love to tour and play together. Tony is on tour with Seal right now, so he is very busy. So we can't really do anything with that, but you never know.
MSJ: What would you see as the differences and similarities between working with LTE and working with Dream Theater?
With LTE, we're given very little time. In Dream Theater, this album will probably take us 12 weeks when we're done, whereas LTE is probably a week or two weeks, or a few days for the first one. Of course, Liquid Tension is all instrumental, so guitar and keyboard are carrying all the melodies. In Dream Theater it's vocals, so the musical style is definitely different.
MSJ: Speaking of Dream Theater, what can you tell us about the new album?
I can tell you that it's coming along really good. We have all our music written and recorded. We're doing vocals right now, and will probably finish up in the next couple weeks. Mixing in July. It is really cool with Jordan. He's such an awesome player. There's a lot of playing. It's in the vein of Liquid Tension, but it's not, it's Dream Theater. It sounds different. It's not as jazzy like that. It's more dark.
MSJ: How is working with Tony Levin different than working with John Myung?
I've known John for so long, we grew up together. Working with John is like taking a shower. It's something you do. You do it all the time. Tony, on the other hand, I just met him for the first time, and he was awesome, all the experience he has. All the bands and albums that he's played on and with, and all the stories he would offer. How musical he is, playing the stick. He's just so awesome, and a very very nice guy, very generous.
MSJ: Are there any other musicians that you would like to work with?
I've talked to Steve Morse a few times about doing something with him. We've never really put it together, but I'd like to do something with him.
MSJ: What musicians would you like to work with?
I have wanted to do something with Geoff Downes. We have talked and I hope to get some songs together with him for next year. Tony Banks would be really something, big fan of his style. I also have always hoped to do writing and recording with John Wetton (are you thinking that I should have tried to join Asia yet?) Someday I also would love to have Jeff Beck play on anything I do. He has been a favorite of mine for a long time.
MSJ: What has been your biggest Spinal Tap moment?
I can't really think of a specific one, just general silly things, catering, stuff like that. That's probably the closet. Or trying work out harmonies, three guys, singing really bad.
MSJ: What have you been listening to lately?
You know, it's kind of funny. I don't listen to a lot of music. I listen to the radio in my car. At home, I don't really listen to much, especially new music. I have my CD collection filled with all kinds of things, some new stuff, and jazz and classical, but I don't, in general, listen to a lot of music.
MSJ: What was the last concert you attended?
Steve Morse, probably, Steve Morse Band.
MSJ: This interview is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: The Early Years Volume 5 at
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