Ha! I've had a bad case of Gear Acquisition Syndrome lately. I just rebuilt the bass I use for Spock's Beard, (the bass I call "my Fenderbacker") which is a Ric shaped body with a Fender Jazz neck, and two sets of pickups - one set in the Ric positions, one set in more-or-less Fender positions. It's now fitted with the new Apollo pickups that Seymour Duncan makes, and I did some cosmetic stuff that makes the bass much prettier than it was.
I've also purchased a couple Class D amps just for the heck of it. Got a big old Ampeg amp head from the 90s a few weeks ago, a B4, which is 1,000 watts and really heavy but sounds great - really has that Ampeg sound.
I've been really into super tiny amps lately too, so I've been building really small speaker cabinets that sound bigger than they are. In fact, one cab that I built was kind of inspired by the Phil Jones stuff and has two 6" speakers. I tuned the cab really, low and it actually sounds quite good . . . and it gets pretty loud, too!
I got an Ibanez P-bass for $55 in a thrift store that plays and sounds surprisingly great. Also just got a 5 string with a P-J combination for the cover band (getting tired of the MusicMan I've been using).
But the thing I'm most excited about was finding a Polytone Mini Brute IV on Craigslist for really cheap. I don't know why, I absolutely adore the sound of that thing. It makes me happy even just looking at it.