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Progressive Rock Interviews

David Hayes

Interviewed by Gary Hill
Interview with David Hayes from 2018


It's been a year or two since we last did an interview with you. What's been new in the musical world of David Hayes?

I’m about to release a couple of singles in early 2018. I’m close to having a new album complete. We just need to finish mixing and mastering it.  Got to make the dough before I make the doughnuts. I’m really excited about this one, as I believe it’s better than the last. We’ve been working on and off for the past two years. Rhythm tracks and a lot of guitar production was at the I.V. Lab Chicago. And we did vocals, other overdubs, and production at the Attic Studio in Nashville. The album will be called “The Attic," just ripping off Abbey Road really. My producer Greg Magers and bassist Graham Burris both moved to Nashville two years ago with their families. I made four trips down there in two years. We even got Jennifer Hartswick (Trey Anastatio Band) to sing on a couple tracks.

I’ve been teaching a lot of music too - trying to have the students work together in bands, like school of rock. I’ve been playing more drums, ukulele and banjo, too.

What's the best thing that's ever been said about your music?

I like when people say they like the arrangements, or lyrics.

What's ahead for you?

Hopefully tour behind this album. I need to dig in and email some venues. Hopefully find some help along the way.

What was the last CD you bought and/or what have you been listening to lately?

St. Vincent Masseduction. I get to see her for the first time next week.

Have you read any good books lately?

Honestly I haven’t. I don’t read much.

What about the last concert you attended for your enjoyment?

I’m guessing it was Todd Kessler at Lincoln Hall - album release show. It was a great show, and he opened up for Hailey Reinhart from American Idol. Roger Waters show was my favorite in 2017.

Do you remember the first concert you attended?

I think it was the Beach Boys, but I’m not certain.

 Have you come across any new gear recently that you love?

I got a Yamaha keyboard last year, but that’s it. Just needed something cheaper to play live with. I’m not much of a gear head,  pretty much just plug in and play.

Are there any closing thoughts you would like to get out there?

Have a good one!

MSJ: This interview is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2018  Volume 1 at
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