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Progressive Rock Interviews


Interviewed by Gary Hill

Interview with iNFiNiEN from 2018


What’s been new in the world of iNFiNiEN?

Chrissie Loftus: We released a full length album called “Light at the Endless Tunnel” in January 2017. We’ve been playing some great festivals and shows since 2009. We have a lot of exciting, new material, so keep checking back for what’s to come...


What’s the best thing that’s ever been said about your music?

Chrissie Loftus: Possibly the best thing anyone has said is, “iNFiNiEN are the best band Frank Zappa never had in his lifetime." - Frank Bender,


What was the last CD you bought and/or what have you been listening to lately?

Tom Cullen: I've been listening to a ton of Allan Holdsworth for the past four years.  Kind of been obsessed to be honest. (laughter) Really upset to hear of  his passing this year - truly one of the greatest musicians of all time - and easily one of the most underrated and overlooked geniuses of our times. RIP. Also been obsessed with Boards of Canada. Just a great vibe and unique universe they've created. Bassist Louis De Muille has also been a huge inspiration with his combo of Djent and jazz. I'd say i get most of new music from a great radio program called "Sonic Universe" on Soma FM.


Do you remember the first concert you attended?

Matt Hollenberg: My first concert was Weezer at the Tower Theater in Philadelphia. It was in the early 90s from right after the first record came out, and I remember being in awe of the crowd surfing and how loud the amps were.


Have you come across any new gear recently that you love?

Matt Hollenberg: I've been loving the Montreal Assembly Count to Five and the Electro-Harmonix SuperEgo+ a lot lately. They are really very creative and original pedals that bring forth guitar sounds and ideas that weren't possible before. The possibilities with loopers, randomizers and pitch shifted delay are really great. It truly is a golden age of pedals!


Have you read any good books lately?

Tom Cullen: Yes, I've been reading a great deal recently. Where to begin.....mostly books about physics and eastern religion. Then ironically The Tao of Physics which parallels the undeniable similarities of quantum physics and eastern religion. Also been cross referencing books about telepathy with books about body language and social/emotional intelligence. Looking for signs of evolution in humans.

But the one book I'm really excited on is Debt by Dave Graeber. It's an in depth book about the raw ideology of money and trade - what a concept to ponder. What is money and why do we need it? Probably one of the harder things to understand is the nature of economy. But to even wrap our head around economy as a concept it takes a deeper look into the human condition and the necessity for economies at all. What is it? Right? Deep stuff.  Dave Graeber is brilliant in his ability to strip all these concepts down to - well, nothing at all. My search is to find signs of intelligent, progressive and ever evolving life.


What about the last concert you attended for your enjoyment?

Jordan Berger: The last concert I attended for my enjoyment was Thundercat. The way the band members interact with each other is right up my alley. The writing is really clever and infectious, as well. And don't get me started on the bass playing... tremendous!
MSJ: What's ahead for you?

Jordan Berger: iNFiNiEN is planning some nice shows for 2018. Honestly, it'll be a challenge to top the caliber of shows that we played in 2017! We played on some killer bills, like Dweezil Zappa, Julie Slick, and Consider the Source. We're also working on some newly recorded music! This next batch of songs is really quite spectacular! Of course, I'm biased... 

MSJ: Are there any closing thoughts you would like to get out there?

Jordan Berger: Just that we absolutely love writing and performing this music for everyone to check out and enjoy. We hope that everyone gets something from it and uses that to produce some sort of positive change in themselves or the world around them. Take the next step, live fearlessly. See you all in 2018!

MSJ: This interview is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2018  Volume 1 at
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