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Progressive Rock Interviews

Chris Braide

Interviewed by Gary Hill

Interview with Chris Braide from 2018


You recently released a new DBA album. To my ears, it's a big step forward from the previous releases. Would you agree?

I absolutely agree. It’s the best album of the three we’ve done together in my opinion. The songs have been brought to life by the real rhythm section and the various guest performances. 
MSJ: Are there any particular special things about the recording of the disc that you'd like to share?
It’s all real strings on the record which I chopped up and pasted together rather than play the part on a synth with string samples. That has made a huge difference to the album because real strings are much more emotional than a digital keyboard patch. They’re all played by real string players and then fed into Pro Tools and messed around with.
MSJ: Are there any plans for live shows with DBA?
Possibly. Not sure when or where but it’s being discussed.
MSJ: It's been a couple years since we last interviewed you. What else has been new in the world of Chris Braide?
I've been working with Natalie Portman on a new movie about music. I co wrote and produced Sia’s forthcoming single "Flames." 
MSJ: What's coming up on your "to do" list?
Finish the next Marc Almond album, which I'm currently producing amongst a million other things.
MSJ: What's the best thing that's been said about your music?

I've had people write to me to tell me that my music has made them so emotional that they have shed tears. Andy Partridge from XTC is one such person.

MSJ: What was the last CD you bought and/or what have you been listening to lately?
I buy vinyl albums and always have. The last vinyl album i bought was a reissue of Everybody Is Fantastic by Microdisney - one of my favorite bands ever. They still unnerve me and delight me in equal measure. I also bought Malibu by Anderson Pak the same week - great, loose, soulful record.
MSJ: Have you read any good books lately?
I’m currently reading Cosi Fanni Tutti's Art Sex Music. It’s very good.
MSJ: What about the last concert you attended for your enjoyment?
Last concert i attended was Christmas Carols at the Royal Albert Hall - beautiful.
MSJ: Do you remember the first concert you attended?
First concert was Squeeze at Manchester Apollo in the 80s . Excellent gig and the band were at the top of their game.
MSJ: Have you come across any new gear recently that you love?
I absolutely love Komplete 11 from Native Instruments. The sounds are just incredible.
MSJ: Are there any closing thoughts you would like to get out there?
Do whatever you like with whomever you’d like to do it with, just don’t hurt others.
This interview is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2018  Volume 2 at
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