Track by Track Review
Oh God Starting with keys, the cut jumps to a hard rock groove that works well. It then moves on to a mellower verse. This is a good rocker with a great groove. |
Better Left Unsaid With an intro that feels just a bit like mid-period Van Halen, this one changes gear to a slow rocker with a great retro texture. The chorus actually feels just a tiny bit like Blind Faith. |
The Tower Starting with a drum in, this one jumps in with a hard rock groove. It drops to a slower classic rock sounding verse. A progish hard rocking chorus drives the cut. The piece alternates between these two modes and features a solid retro rock keyboard solo. |
Cry A hard rocking, bluesy sort of texture begins this one. It drops to a nice progish slow format. The chorus has a harder edge. "Cry" has a very powerful arrangement, and includes a strong progressive rock bridge. The music gets a bit jazzy coming out of this instrumental mode, then it becomes very strong hard-edged prog. This is one of the strongest cuts on this disc. |
I Need You A creative progish balladic tone starts the song. It then turns quite metallic, and then a very stripped down verse ensues. This one features a great prog oriented bridge and outro. |
25 Metallic modes begin this one. It then becomes a bit more progish as the keys enter. This track really feels a lot like Morgenstein's Dregs. An instrumental jam, this piece covers a lot of musical ground. |
Gone Starting with great sedate keyboard textures, the cut begins building slowly on this base in atmospheric directions. It suddenly shifts gear nearly 2 minutes in, becoming harder edged for a brief time. The general mode is a textural ballad. "Something has changed, Something is wrong". This is a very strong composition. |
Partial To The Bean This instrumental is divided into 7 sections. |
Intro Pompatous A very brief intro (21 seconds), this one is solely dramatic keys, first slow then fast. |
Yoko Ono This piece screams in in a hard-edged prog mode, getting into Dregsish jazzy guitar lines for a time. |
Yoko Two-No The piece changes gear on this movement to a slower jam. This is more chord dominated rather than frantic riffing. |
Yoko Three-No This segment is quite jazzy and bass dominated in the beginning. It has a great arrangement that just keeps building in jazzy prog modes. |
Platmosis Feeling almost like a playful take on Pink Floyd's "On The Run", this segment is dominated by keyboards and drums and ends in dissonance. |
Yoko Againo Screaming in, this movement is more Dregsish jamming. |
Yoko Outro This segment continues themes from the earlier parts of the cut, ending the piece in fusionish tones. |
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