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Robert Berry
CD Reviews
A Soundtrack To The Wheel of Time
Review by Gary Hill
A Soundtrack To The Wheel of Time is an album created not as a soundtrack to a film, but rather to a series of books. The fantasy books are written by Robert Jordan who has officially endorsed this album.
Prime Cuts
Review by Gary Hill
The latest release in the Magna Carta series Prime Cuts, this time the attention is turned on Robert Berry's considerable work on the label. The first point I need to bring up is somewhat of a mixed one here.
Robert Berry
Interview by Gary Hill
Interview with Robert Berry from 2006
Robert Berry
Interview by Gary Hill
Interview With December People's Robert Berry from 2001

Robert Berry
Interview by Gary Hill
Interview with Robert Berry from 1998

Robert Berry
Interview by Gary Hill

Interview with Robert Berry from 2018

Robert Berry
Interview by Gary Hill

Interview with Robert Berry from 2019

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Tempest - 10th Anniversary Compilation
Review by Gary Hill
The latest release from Celtic prog band Tempest, this CD is a compilation, but in an unusual way. Although these are all older Tempest songs, they are new performances of those songs.
Tempest - 15th Anniversary Collection
Review by Gary Hill
This box set shows just how much integrity and talent Tempest has. The Celtic based prog rock outfit could have simply put out a collection of their best known pieces and added in a few unreleased gems here and there.

Robert Berry's 3.2 - Alive at Progstock
Review by Gary Hill
This new set is a double CD with bonus DVD. It captures a concert that feels more like an event than just a gig.

Tempest - Balance
Review by Gary Hill
Although 1999's 10th Anniversary Compilation included new recordings of the group's older material, this disc is the first album of truly "new" songs by this band since 1997's Gravel Walk. 

Tempest - Double Cross
Review by Gary Hill
The latest disc from Celtic proggers Tempest is Double Cross and it's a very strong addition to the band's catalog. While I personally don't find it as potent as their last one Shapeshifter, that's more a matter of personal taste than anything. 

3 - Emerson, Palmer & Berry - Rockin' The Ritz NYC 1988 (double vinyl set)
Review by Gary Hill
3 was essentially a variant on Emerson, Lake and Palmer, but it was its own band, too. The group played ELP music, but also their own stuff that leaned a little more on the mainstream rock sound.

Various Artists - Encores, Legends and Paradoxes
Review by Gary Hill
With a cast of players that reads like a prog "who`s who", this ELP tribute takes the classics and makes them fresh and new again. The result is an incredibly listenable piece of music that really entertains.

Magellan - Hundred Year Flood
Review by Gary Hill
Taking their name from the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, one should see this group as wanting to take us on a musical journey of exploration.
Various Artists - Leonardo The Absolute Man
Review by Gary Hill
This is a rock opera based on the life of Leonardo da Vinci. Although this album says "original cast recording" and I have (as does Magna Carta on their website) listed it here as by "Various Artists", it is probably closer to the truth to say that it is by Trent Gardner and friends.
Various Artists - Magna Carta Guitar Greats – Volume I
Review by Grant Hill
These Magna Carta sampler discs serve as a great way for people to sample a number of their releases without having to shell out the cash for each and every one of them. I'd have to say that as these things go, this is one of the better ones – and they are all quite good.
Various Artists - New World Man: A Tribute to Rush
Review by Gary Hill
Here we have a new Rush tribute album from the fine folks at Magna Carta.

Various Artists - Poetry of the Air: A Collection of Love Letters to Music from Musicians written by Gary Hill
Review by Greg Olma
I have known Gary Hill for a while now and the one thing that I can say with complete certainty about him is that he takes his music seriously. 

Various Artists - Popoff Archive 2: Progressive Rock written by Martin Popoff
Review by Greg Olma
The music world has many characters who work behind the scenes, from producers to engineers to marketing people (and many more). 

Jordan Rudess - Prime Cuts
Review by Josh Turner
Jordan Rudess is "technically" the best keyboardist in the business. When you limit this contest to progressive rock, it's a no-brainer.
Jack Foster III - Raptorgnosis
Review by Gary Hill
While I don't think this entire album truly qualifies as progressive rock, much of it does. Add to that fact the presence of prog rockers Trent Gardner and Robert Berry and it should be obvious why I put the disc into that category.
December People - Rattle & Humbug
Review by Gary Hill

Robert Berry and company are back with a new release of holiday music.

Tempest - Shapeshifter
Review by Gary Hill
As someone who has followed Tempest for quite a while it is very rewarding to see them release a disc as good as this one. They have nothing in their catalog to compare really.
December People - Sounds Like Christmas
Review by Gary Hill
To get you in the spirit of the holiday, The December People have released a fresh collection of progressive rock takes on Christmas music. Feeling out of sorts for not knowing who the December People are?
Various Artists - Subdivisions - A Tribute To Rush
Review by Gary Hill
Subdivisions is a new Tribute album devoted to the music of Rush from Magna Carta Records. Those paying close attention and with a good memory, may be saying now; "didn't they do one before?"
Various Artists - Supper`s Ready
Review by Gary Hill
A tribute album devoted to the music of Genesis, Supper`s Ready is a strong work. The renditions here stay more true to the original performances than on some similar albums, but this does not take away from the relevance of the CD.
Magellan - Symphony for a Misanthrope
Review by Gary Hill
I've seen pictures of the Gardner brothers, the backbone of Magellan, and if I didn't know any better I'd have sworn that I opened up a 401k with them.
Various Artists - Tales From Yesterday
Review by Gary Hill
A tribute to the music of Yes, Tales From Yesterday, features some very fine renditions of Yessongs performed by a variety of artists (including several past and present members of Yes). This is a mixed bag. Some of the tracks are quite faithful to the original, while others represent major reworkings.
Jack Foster III - Tame Until Hungry
Review by Gary Hill
Jack Foster III is building up quite a catalog of killer hard-edged modern progressive rock. Tame Until Hungry is his latest, and as in the past he’s joined by (among others) Trent Gardner and Robert Berry on this.
Tempest - The Gravel Walk
Review by Gary Hill
Fans of Jethro Tull should really check this album out. This is good solid rock, in the vein of Tull, but with a more solid Celtic tradition. 

3.2 - The Rules Have Changed
Review by Gary Hill

Once upon the time there was a band called 3. That band was Robert Berry, Keith Emerson and Carl Palmer.

3.2 - Third Impression
Review by Gary Hill
The history of this act is well-known to some, but perhaps not to others. It should be of interest to all fans of progressive rock, though.

Various Artists - To Cry You A Song: A Collection of Tull Tales
Review by Gary Hill
One of the first tribute albums ever done by Magna Carta, this one includes some intriguing arrangements of Jethro Tull songs. There are some definite winners here (witness Aqualung, To Cry You a Song, and Locomotive Breath) and no real losers.
Various Artists - Working Man
Review by Gary Hill
One of the early Magna Carta tribute CD's, this one is definitely not one of their finest. It does have some strong points, though, and the main area in which it is lacking is vocals.
Various Artists - Yesterday and Today: 50th Anniversary Tribute To Yes
Review by Gary Hill

This new various artists collection, as you would imagine, pays tribute to the music of Yes. It's an intriguing set.

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