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Jeff Berlin
CD Reviews
High Standards
Review by Gary Hill
Let’s get this out right at the beginning, this really isn’t progressive rock. It’s pure jazz. That said, there are similarities between the two styles.

Jack Songs
Review by Gary Hill
This album from Jeff Berlin is a tribute to Jack Bruce.

Low Standards
Review by Gary Hill
I always put Jeff Berlin under progressive rock.

Jeff Berlin
Interview by Gary Hill
Interview with Jeff Berlin from 2010
Jeff Berlin
Interview by Gary Hill
Interview with Jeff Berlin from 2014

Jeff Berlin
Interview by Gary Hill

Interview with Jeff Berlin from 2018

Jeff Berlin
Interview by Gary Hill
Interview with Jeff Berlin from 2022

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Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman and Howe - An Evening of Yes Music Plus
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Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman and Howe - An Evening of Yes Music Plus
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Voiceprint has just reissued this live set from the classic Yes spin off band. For those looking for the history of this release, please check out the review I did of the earlier version of the set.
Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman and Howe - An Evening of Yes Music Plus DVD
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Bruford - Gradually Going Tornado (original vinyl)
Review by Gary Hill

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Review by G. W. Hill

In a lot of ways, decoding this album is as simple as decoding the three letters of the name and album title.

Bruford - One of A Kind
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I have known Gary Hill for a while now and the one thing that I can say with complete certainty about him is that he takes his music seriously. 

Bruford - Rock Goes To College
Review by Gary Hill
Bruford’s original lineup only played two shows, both television appearances. The second of those is the recording released here. Bill Bruford is joined here, as on the two studio albums that original presented the material they perform, by keyboardist Dave Steward, guitar god Allan Holdsworth and bassist Jeff Berlin.

Bill Bruford - The Summerfold Collection 1987-2008
Review by Gary Hill
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Bill Bruford - The Winterfold Collection 1978-1986
Review by Gary Hill
This is a new compilation of music from Bill Bruford released on his own label, Winterfold.
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