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Metal/Prog Metal Concert Reviews


Live in Rockford, IL, May 2007

Review by Mike Korn

The last time I saw Static-X at the Lodge, it was an experience I’d rather forget. Not in terms of the band’s performance, but more due to the fact that I locked my keys in my (running) automobile, I got stuck with an extra parking charge and it was hotter than August in the Sudan inside the club. Well, this time I managed to avoid the parking charge and keep my keys with me, but it was still like an Indian sweat lodge inside of Ye Olde Forest Hills. Fortunately, Static-X was even better than last time so I’m a little less grumpy and a lot more objective.
If the crowd here is any indicator, it looks like Static-X will escape the purge of bands that came up in the nu-metal surge of the late 90’s - and very rightfully so. They have a strong understanding of how to merge truly heavy metal with powerful rhythms which helps them rise above the pack. There’s something about this approach that they are locked into more than any other band. Their new CD Cannibal seems to be doing pretty well and it returns them to the intensity of Wisconsin Death Trip, their brilliant breakout CD that remains one of the monoliths of cyber-metal.

Starting off with the title track to Cannibal, the dudes had the crowd heaving and pulverizing each other from the onset. With awe-inspiring sound from the legendary Johnny B - every band should sound this good live. The guitars were hella thick and bass/drum interplay was capable of jump-starting tectonic plate movement. The only weak note was the death grunts, because of a bad vocal mike. I said it before, there’s something about the simple rhythms and choppy guitar riffs mixed with jabbering vocals that reaches inside and forces you to groove.

Kathi Heitzman
Kathi Heitzman
Kathi Heitzman
The band played with full intensity through some of their most scorching stuff, like “I’m With Stupid” (“so I grabbed my shovel…so I grabbed my shovel”), “Bled for Days” and “Black and White.” Everything from Cannibal sounded top notch. ”Destroyer” is getting all the airplay, but the track “Get It” is as annihilating as Static-X can get. The band’s stage personalities all came alive. These quirks really made the dudes more memorable as a unit.

Static-X is one of the best live bands out there right now and metalheads who stick their nose up in the air thinking they are nu-metal or “too hip” are really missing out.

Additional pics from this concert are available in our members area.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2007 Volume 4 at
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