The Chieftains Live at Montreux 1997 DVD Review by Gary Hill The Live at Montreux series of DVD’s is pretty much a series of winners. You just can’t go wrong. While I have to say that I definitely have some qualms with some of the music presented at the Montreux Jazz festival – because it’s not jazz, I can’t argue with this series – and this is no exception. If you consider jazz to be a form of folk music – and in a way it is, I suppose this Celtic music belongs somewhat better than some of the stuff they present there. The music this outfit produces is very old school and world in nature. They are great performers, though and put on an excellent show. It gets quite energetic at times and never fails to entertain. Everyone in this outfit is very good at what they do, but perhaps more importantly they all seem to genuinely enjoy it. All of these factors (along with excellent audio and video quality) make this an excellent DVD.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2009 Volume 5 at