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Non-Prog DVD/Video Reviews

The Doors

Feast of Friends BluRay

Review by Gary Hill

So, the idea behind this was that The Doors chose to make what they called “an imaginary” documentary that just sort of happened around them. As you can guess, that kind of thing isn’t a straight line sort of story or a documentary in the traditional sense. Instead, this is more a collection of footage from their 1968 Summer Tour. It’s trippy. It’s artsy. It’s cool. It’s the Doors. The documentary itself is only 40 minutes long, but it’s augmented by several bonus features. It’s worth having for hardcore Doors fans, as long as you know what you are getting. There have been bootleg copies of this around for years. This one, though, has been fully restored and looks and sounds much better than any of those ever did.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2014  Volume 6 at

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