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Beer Drinkers And Hell Raisers: The Rise Of Motorhead written by Martin Popoff

Review by Greg Olma

When I first started listening to Motorhead (around the Iron Fist era), I would have never thought that they would be as revered as they are now.  Lemmy is an icon for heavy metal and he himself would be shocked to be thrust into that lofty position.  Since his passing, there has been a resurgence of Motorhead music. Even “Ace Of Spades” is in a car commercial.  With all this interest in Motorhead, it only stands to reason that many of us metalheads would like to read the stories behind the albums, songs, and even the cover art.  For those of you out there who are avid readers of metal, the name Martin Popoff is one with which you are probably familiar,but for the newbies, Popoff is not only well versed in all things metal, he has conducted hundreds (if not thousands) of interviews.  Being part of the metal community for so long has given him access to many of metal's forefathers including Lemmy and company.  This Motorhead book is the history of the band told by the band.  It is written in a similar fashion to his previous books where each record is given a chapter, and he delves into everything from song and album cover concepts to band members and producers and pretty much everything in between.  While this book focuses on the “rise” of the band, he does finish it off with the last couple of chapters talking about “Fast” Eddie’s departure and the band’s releases after Iron Fist.  Those subjects are given a quick run through, but the earlier chapters about Bomber, Overkill, Ace Of Spades, etcetera are given the detailed analysis for which Popoff is known.  As an added bonus, the book contains pictures and album advertisements from that time period to give the book an added visual to all the text.  I’ve enjoyed reading (and being educated by) Popoff’s books, and Beer Drinkers And Hell Raisers: The Rise Of Motorhead is a great addition to my collection.  

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2017  Volume 6 at

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