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Review by Gary Hill

With their second album, OnOffOn have created one that is more consistent in tone, but very hard to classify. Certainly the jazz influences are strong here, and the band manage to pull together some strong blues influenced material. Still, much of their sound is based in progressive rock, and the sheer act of combining diverse musical styles helps to qualify them solidly in that vein. There is really no weak material here, but rather this is an entertaining ride that has some interesting twists and turns.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2004 Year Book Volume 1 at

Track by Track Review
Your Mind
Ambient weirdness starts this. The cut then becomes a fast paced frantic jam that is based on jazz themes and even some scat. This one is strange, but very cool.
More melodic tones start this and a mellower and quite tasty jam ensues. This one becomes quite powerful and soaring as it carries on. This turns a bit more hard-edged and dissonant later, but still is quite strong and listenable.
Alley Want
A bluesy jazzy texture starts this, and the harmonica adds to that texture. This is another potent jam.
Mardi Gras
A slight Spanish modality shows up at first on this cut, and this one comes across as a killer mellower jazz jam. At times it even feels a bit like "La Bamba". Those Latin leanings show up off and on throughout, but never become overpowering. This is a killer and entertaining instrumental.
Ocean's Cry
This one comes in hard-edged and nearly metallic. It feels just a time bit like modern King Crimson, but more than anything it's a crunchy rocker that has some strong pro elements. The instrumental break is a stellar jazz oriented prog rock jam.
Bebe's Song
This is a fun old-time jazz number that is a very good time.
For Hell Sake's
This jam is another that has bluesy jazzy textures.
This one starts mellower, and the acoustic guitar carries it with inspired jamming. After a time in this mode, keys come over the top of the melody. Then it moves into a new exploratory jam that is one of the most effective parts of the entire disc. It drops back to its beginning to end.
You Know I Can't
A pretty melody starts this one. It is a great proggy ballad.
Wet Legs
Coming in harder edged, lyrically this is a fairly pornographic cut, and feels a bit like Spinal Tap does jazzy prog.
This calls to mind Frank Zappa a bit for me, and includes tongue in cheek thanks to end the disc. I have to say it is definitely an unusual, but quite cool touch. This is a proggy jam, and very unique.
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