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Alan Parsons

Alan Parsons Project – Eye in the Sky

Review by Gary Hill

Eye in the Sky might not be the best Alan Parsons Project CD, but it’s a strong album. Sure there are some more pop oriented moments, but there are also proggy segments and some fairly sublime music here. It like the disc a lot and it still holds up quite well. There are a few tracks here that I reviewed on the compilation album last issue, so for the sake of consistency the track by tracks here are taken or modified from that review.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2009  Volume 1 at

Track by Track Review
This killer instrumental should be very familiar to fans of the Chicago Bulls NBA team. It’s the tune that played when they took the court. Mind you, it might still be, but I lost interest in basketball after the Jordan years, so I can’t vouch for that. It’s classic Alan Parsons and a great instrumental.  This segues straight into the disc’s title number.
Eye In the Sky
This is one of the group’s biggest hits. It’s got an ‘80’s feel to the guitar drone, but the vocal performance and other elements elevate this beyond its core roots.
Children Of The Moon

The motif that leads this one off make you think they are about to launch into a real hard rocking tune. Overall this does has a more stripped down, more traditional rock sound, but it still has plenty of Parsons trademarks and some jazzy segments. It reminds me in some way of the music from the Tales of Mystery… era. The chorus here has a bit of a Yesish leaning to it and they bring some cool prog sounds in here and there. We also get some definite Beatles-like moments here and there.


This is very proggy, but in a balladic fashion. It’s pretty and has an intriguing vocal arrangement with lines over top of one another, but it’s also a little too hum drum for my tastes.

Silence And I

Here we have what might be the real highlight of the CD. This starts as a balladic number, but works into an epic (stylistic, not in length – although it is over six and a half minutes long) progressive rock jam. It’s emotional and features some killer musical segments. What more can you ask for? This is a great tune.

You're Gonna Get Your Fingers Burned

Now, this is a definite step down. The main riff on this reminds me of Elton John. The track is just a bit average and mainstream.


This starts out rather tentatively.  When the bass guitar takes control they launch out into a rocking song that’s got a lot of soul in the mix.


An instrumental this is keyboard driven and dominated. It’s also classic Alan Parsons Project.

Step By Step

Bouncy and jazzy this is a classic Alan Parsons sound, but also has a definite soul texture to it. I can make out some hints of Steely Dan on this, too.  There’s a cool guitar solo on this.

Old And Wise

Here we have a progressive rock ballad that’s powerful and has some definite symphonic elements. This is pretty and potent and I like it a lot. It makes for quite a satisfying conclusion.

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