The Company Band
 The Company Band
 Review by Mike Korn
When a plain looking disc from an outfit with the generic name of "The Company Band" arrived in my mailbox, my expectations were pretty low. I figured it might be some sort of tired blues rock or possibly the latest "ironic" cookie cutter metalcore band. What I got was indisputedly the best hard rock album I've heard this year. Only later did I learn exactly who the members of the Company Band were: Clutch's Neil Fallon on vocals, Fu Manchu's Brad Davis on bass, Fireball Ministry's James Rota III on guitar, CKY's Jess Margera on drums and Dave Bone on guitar. Yep, what we have here is a bona fide super group.
And this one lives up to its potential. To be honest, I like this better than anything I've heard from Clutch or Fu Manchu recently. Fans of those bands will certainly recognize and like what the Company Band is doing, but it has the potential to reach a much wider audience. Every song here is oozing with super catchy hooks, strong vocals and weird, witty lyrics. At some points, there's a strong feeling of classic rock like Deep Purple or Whitesnake; at others, I get a powerful grunge vibe ala Soundgarden or Stone Temple Pilots. Mixed with that is what can only be called “stoner rock.” The result is outstanding in every regard.
Back when there was such a thing as the music business and people actually bought albums and listened to FM radio, The Company Band would have been huge. In today's sorry fractured and digitized world, it won't make the same impact. But it should. Do your part and pick up the debut of this outstanding band.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2009 Volume 6 at lulu.com/strangesound.