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Tristan Eckerson

Dance Craze

Review by Gary Hill

I can imagine people quibbling with my classifying this as progressive rock. Clearly the “rock” part isn’t here. This electronic music, though, isn’t far removed from Kraftwerk and most people put them under “prog.” Additionally, there is a subset of house or electronic dance music known as “progressive,” for much the same reason progressive rock was called that. Finally, there are definitely elements of space music here, too. Whatever you call this, though, it’s a strong set. The three tracks are all extensive and quite intriguing. I like this a lot.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2013  Volume 6 at

Track by Track Review

This is quite a diverse and intriguing piece of music. It starts with fast paced electronic sounds that call to mind Kraftwerk quite a bit. There are some processed vocals over the top in a robotic, spacey kind of way that again makes me think of that German electronic act. It works out later to a more streamlined bit of electronic music. While the arrangement isn’t as lush (and lacks some of the melody of the earlier parts) it’s no less compelling. Eventually it starts to rise up in an almost symphonic way, but that promise never really fully emerges. Instead it drops back to even more purely space music oriented territory to end. 

Dance Craze
This one, as fits the title, is more of a pure dance electronic piece. That said, it’s still rather proggy at times. It’s got more of those processed vocals. It moves between more energized and mellower sounds.
The tempo is less staid on this cut. It’s got some great melodic moments with a real space music meets electronic and yes, progressive, sound to it. There are some bits of more rocking sounds that come in along the lines of some of the electronic music from Pink Floyd or Hawkwind.
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