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The Disorder

Review by Gary Hill

These guys really show that they can create some raw, driving metal that still manages to bring some hooks to the table with this set. This leans toward the modern end of the spectrum, but it has enough nods to old school metal to keep it grounded. This thing is fierce and mean. They don't show a lot of versatility, but that's not really needed with just four songs. I'd be interested to see what they do with a longer set.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2017  Volume 6 at
Track by Track Review
Executive Order

This stomper is very much a raw metal grind. It's a real scorcher. It's a great way to start this in style. The chorus is catchier and reminds me a bit of King's X. As you might guess with that title, this is political.

Label Killer
As this powers in it feels even fiercer than the previous number was. While this is modern in terms of the raw, heavy nature, it reminds of a lot of NWOBHM in some ways. There are definitely comparisons to early Motley Crue in some ways, too. This is another powerhouse.
Loud Fighter

While this is no big change, it's a serious raw metal stomper. I love some of the guitar sections on this a lot. The whole piece really just drives with an aggression and power that's cool. Yet it has some hooks. That's a nice balancing act.

The View

The jam that opens this is the heaviest and meanest of the set. It drops from there to a riff that makes me think of early Black Sabbath a bit. Then it powers out to something much like early Metallica. When the vocals join it takes on more of a modern metal sound. They drive it with a fierce, driving intensity at times, though. This does earn a parental advisory. The jam section mid-track actually takes it toward a psychedelic garage band sound. The guitar solo that follows is so cool. This song really was the best choice to close things. It's arguably the strongest piece of the four.

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