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Knowledge (CD Single)

Review by Gary Hill

If you dig bouncy, driving kind of pop rock with a lot of old school blues rock in the mix, you will like this new single. It's a cool tune with so much character and "oomph" built into it.  This might not be the most original thing you've ever heard, but the blend of classic sounds here is delivered so well that it doesn't matter.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2018  Volume 3. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
The bass brings this into being. The bass and drums really hold the cut for much of the duration, but there is some organ at play, too. They power the whole thing up at times for rocking stuff that features prominent guitar. Nadia E's vocal delivery is the real driving force on this cut. It's a bouncy, kind of catchy rocker. This is modern, but also firmly rooted in classic music, with bluesy and jazzy elements both in abundance.
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