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Markus Reuter

Featuring Fabio Trentini and Asaf Sirkis - Truce

Review by Gary Hill

Markus Reuter is a very talented musician, and he surrounds himself with other talented cohorts. This instrumental set showcases that quite well. The music here often has a King Crimson vibe, but there are leanings toward Frank Zappa and more along this musical road.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) in Music Street Journal: 2020  Volume 2. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
The Truce
I love the rubbery kind of groove to this thing. This is very much in line with what I expect from Reuter, King Crimson and Bruford Levin Upper Extremities elements merge in style here. The cut shifts and evolves in fine fashion. This thing gets so intense and just plain screams out after a while. The rhythm section takes over for a while around the seven-minute mark. The cut keeps evolving as it fires back out from there. This number is the epic of the set at nearly 12-minutes of music.
Somehow this screaming hot number makes me think of Frank Zappa quite a bit. I suppose the familiar sounds from the previous cut are here to some degree, but this really calls to mind some of the Zappa guitar showcase pieces.
The funky groove at the start of this again makes me think of Zappa. This evolves gradually. The guitar on this thing gets pretty crazed before it's over.
Be Still My Brazen Heart
Coming in mellower and gradually building upward, this has a definite King Crimson element, but also a spacey vibe.
Power Series
I love the rather funky bass groove as this number starts. The cut works out from there is style. This works through some cool shifts and changes. It gets into some particularly powerhouse zones, and works toward fusion at points.
Let Me Touch Your Batman
There is such a cool groove and vibe to this piece. It is arguably closer to that BLUE meets Crimson thing of anything since the opener. It has a great energy and some particularly cool bass type lines.
Gossamer Things

The opening of this is built around a rubbery kind of groove. It builds out into a killer jam that combines all the elements we have heard throughout the set. This thing gets pretty crazed as it continues. There is a nice balance between louder and mellower sections on this thing.

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