 Pioneers of Space
 Review by Gary Hill
Alan Davey is the man who is most responsible for Hawkestrel. It's basically his baby. You might know Davey from his tenure with Hawkwind. Since then he's been involved in a lot of projects, though. This is just one that he has underway at the moment. This has a space rock Hawkwind kind of vibe to much of it, but perhaps a bit less than the last album I reviewed from this act did.
Just like last time, there are a lot of guest performers here. Three of the performances here are posthumous, built around older recordings from the artists. Those are Ginger Baker, Robert Calvert and Huw Lloyd Langton. All of three of them were also in Hawkwind at various times. Other Hawkwind alums on the set include Arthur Brown, Simon House, Michael Moorcock, Paul Rudolph, Mick Slattery, Nik Turner and Bridget Wishart. Other musicians on the album include former Rolling Stone Mick Taylor, Adam Hamilton (of LA Guns fame), Todd Rundgren, L. Shankar, David Cross, Larry Wallis, Carmine Appice and Wayne Kramer. Even Davey's dogs Josie and Wyatt made the album, credited for howls and barks on one song.
This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2020 Volume 6. More information and purchase links can be found at: garyhillauthor.com/Music-Street-Journal-2020.