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Doctors of Space

First Treatment

Review by Gary Hill

This collection of instrumental space rock pieces is solid and classy. One of the trio responsible for this is Oresund Space Collective's Dr. Space, and you can always count on good space music from him. There is a decent range of sounds and it all works well. There is one true epic piece that is over 21-minutes long, but none of these pieces are short. This was also released on vinyl, but that version didn't include the closing two songs that are bonus tracks here.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2020  Volume 6. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Journey to Encaladus
Trippy space is heard at the start. A distorted guitar rises up as the cut begins to build outward from there. The cut moves into some driving, really rocking space music as it continues.
Facial Reconstruction of the Humanoid
This one starts much mellower and rises up gradually from there with a keyboard heavy arrangement. There is a driving jam sort of underneath later in the track, but those keys continue to be the prominent element of the number.
Rip Snorter
With a title like that one might expect a serious rocker. I suppose compared to the previous piece this is. It's definitely more guitar oriented and that guitar does get pretty crazed as it creates lines of sound. Still, I wouldn't really consider this to be any kind of seriously screaming tune. It's still slow moving and slowly evolving space rock.
Into the Oort Cloud
At over 21-and-a-half minutes of music, this is the epic of the set. It rises up gradually with mellower textures bringing it in. An insistent rhythm section threatens to take over after a minute-and-a-half, give or take. Eventually the piece shifts to more space keys type stuff. Percussion takes over around the halfway mark, and the number continues to evolve. Eventually echoey guitar comes in over the top, but by that time an insistent rhythm section has become implanted with space keys soaring overhead. As it works onward the space elements morph and change and the number drives onward.
Octabass B8
There is a real dreamy, trippy quality to this number. It has an almost jazzy, fusion edge to it in some ways. This bonus track is quite a cool ride.
Cirus Rising
With a real sense of drama to it, this has some cool electronic space at its heart. After a while some rocking guitar rises up as synthesizers dances over the top of the arrangement. This thing gets really rocking before it'a all over and done. Freaky electronics take command later, knocking everything else out of the mix.
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