Jason Blake is really building up quite an admirable catalog of solo music. Blake is a Warr guitarist hailing from my regional backyard, in his case, Chicago.
Aziola Cry Review by Julie Knispel Interview with Jason Blake of Aziola Cry, from 2008
Aziola Cry - Ellipsis Review by Gary Hill If you like instrumental prog in the style of Djam Karet, but would like to hear that sound carried out with a bit more metal to it, then Aziola Cry is the band for you. These guys do have quite a bit in common with that other band, but they also share musical textures with Rush, Dream Theater and some metal bands.
Aziola Cry - Ghost Conversations Review by Julie Knispel Aziola Cry is an instrumental trio from Chicago consisting of Chapman Stick, guitar, and drums. Their music is dark, unrelenting and complex, drawing as strongly from first generation progressive artists (such as King Crimson) as from today’s practitioners (Tool).