Jay-Z Classic Albums: Reasonable Doubt DVD Review by Gary Hill As hip hop begins to gain more respect as an art form you’ll probably see more DVD’s like this. The truth is (and I know a lot of rock fans might find this sacrilegious) there is good and bad music in every genre. Anyone who really gives hip hop a chance will find that there is some real art there. And honestly, can you listen to some of the rock from the 1970’s and tell me that everyone out then was an “artist?” I don’t think so. Jay-Z is one of the more talented and better respected rappers and producers out there. This documentary gives a great look inside the making of one of his classic albums. In the process you get a good look at what is involved in hip hop in general. I think that anyone who watches this with an open mind will gain a new respect for the genre and certainly for the man. This is well-done DVD that showcases a talented artist and shows the depth of his art.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2007 Volume 6 at lulu.com/strangesound.