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20 Years A Warrior Soul DVD

Review by Gary Hill

I've been a fan of Doro since the Warlock days. For my money that band (and Doro solo – which is really the same thing, but that's a long story) have always represented metal perhaps better than just about any act. Don't get me wrong, there are metal bands I like more, but Doro's sound is purely real steel. She emerged in an age of “hair metal” but retained the true roots of heavy metal in her music. That is something to be admired. This DVD chronicles the special concert that celebrated Doro's 20th Anniversary in the business. While they could have released it as just the concert, they have gone us the next step and included two documentaries in the set – making this a double DVD affair. Let's have a look at all three features included here.

First we get “Warrior Soul on the Road.” This feature showcases the Warrior Soul tour and does so by the use of onstage footage and short interview clips. I found it interesting how one recording of a live song was shown with video from a number of concerts (all of performances of that particular track) and pulled together nearly flawlessly. It's a nice touch. A lot of the interview segments are in German, though. That means people in Germany can really enjoy this, but for those of use who don't sprechen, we're kind of left out. Still, this is essentially bonus material, and darn good in that way.

Next in line is “20 Years Anniversary – The Movie.” This segment showcases the Anniversary concert in much the same way that the first feature documented the tour. It's also quite strong and done more in English. I particularly like the backstage segment with Blaze Bailey (Iron Maiden, Blaze) before his appearance with Doro. It's a nice touch.

Finally we get the real meat and potatoes of this affair – the concert film. This is a well shot video of a strong concert. We get guest appearances by the aforementioned Bailey, Udo (known for his work in Accept and his own band), Lemmy Kilminster (Hawkwind and Motorhead) and many others. The true star of the show, though is Doro and her music. And she never fails to deliver. One can tell from watching that this was a killer concert. For those of us who couldn't be there, it's great that we get to experience it anyway.

So, while there might be some questionable parts in the documentaries, we get over six hours of video here, and the concert film itself is top-notch. What a great way to celebrate Doro's special day.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2007 Volume 3 at
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