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Charlie Daniels

Volunteer Jam DVD

Review by Gary Hill

Back in the 1970's when this was originally filmed it was released as a feature film. It is now showing up for the first time in DVD format. While it is billed as a “Charlie Daniels Band” release, you really can't stop there. The main performer is that act, but they are joined onstage by The Marshall Tucker Band, Jimmy Hall of Wet Willie, Dickey Betts and Chuck Levall from the Allman Brothers and Dru Lombar from Grinderswitch. With such an all star lineup, what can you possibly expect other than killer 1970's southern tinged rock? Well, that's exactly what you get. If you are looking for a video that shows the best of the genre in its heyday, you just can't get much better than this. If there is one complaint to be made it's about the technology. While videography in the 1970's was certainly well above the state of the art of the decades that preceded it, modern technology has made old videos like this seem lacking. This is no exception. The problem is, it was recorded with the best that the time allowed, and there's just not much that can be done to fix that. We've gotten spoiled by modern technology and films like this suffer because of it. So, don't expect a video that lives up to today's standards. Instead, think of this as a time capsule of one of the best performances of southern tinged rock from the 1970's. Looking at it from that point of view this is nothing but a win-win proposition.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2007 Volume 3 at

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