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The Lizards

4.2.11 DVD

Review by Gary Hill

When I got this DVD and first looked at the title, I just thought I was looking at a date. Then I realized, that 2011 hasn’t happened yet and these guys (despite the fact that they call themselves dinosaurs) weren’t born in 1911. So, I looked at it again. And then I realized that it actually means 4 to 11 and looking at the picture you get the Spinal Tap reference. We here at Music Street Journal live on Spinal Tap moments, so that’s a reach to greatness right there.

Anyone familiar with the Lizards know that they are a powerhouse hard rock band in the style of the 1970’s monster bands. If this were 1975 these guys would be huge. It’s that simple. They have a sound that resonates at the level of the heart, mind and soul that one calls “rock and roll.” This is music for the people. Joe Six Pack (or Joe the Plumber) are you listening? It has that familiarity to it that has you rocking out the first time you hear it.

This DVD features a show at B. B. Kings followed by a hodge podge of footage from other venues and interview clips. The sound on this is top notch. I don’t think anyone will quibble about that. The same is true of the performance. If anyone were to complain it would probably be about the video quality. Before you go thinking this sucks (because it doesn’t) let me delve into more detail. This is a multiple camera shot video. I’m addressing the main concert footage here, although it does apply to most of the other stuff, too. You have to understand that this was shot in a club and the Lizards were the opening act. So, the close up shots – especially when the lights are up higher are great. There are no complaints there. Some of the distance “full stage” footage and shots when the lights are down low (again, they were the opening act) have a tendency to be washed out and a bit out of focus. It’s definitely a lighting issue because there’s no graininess at all.

So, what we’ve got here is a killer performance by one of the best hard rock bands of the new millennium. The sound quality is excellent. Taken as a whole the videography is good, but not great. So, for the total package this is a winner. It gets thumbs up from this reviewer.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2008  Volume 6 at

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