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Ian Gillan

Live in Anaheim DVD

Review by Rick Damigella

If you were lucky enough to catch Ian Gillan on his solo Gillan’s Inn tour of 06, you would likely agree with me when I say that you were witness to a rocking good show. If you weren’t able to see one of these awesome, up close and personal concerts, now you can. Ian Gillan Live in Anaheim is a must have DVD for fans of any period of the singer’s massive career.

To paraphrase my own review of the CD release of this same show… The Gillan’s Inn Tour was a 10,000 mile pub crawl across North America. His backing band consisted of guitarists Michael Lee Jackson and Dean Howard, bassist Rodney Appleby, drummer Randy Cooke and keyboard & sax player Joe Mennonna. They did the whole tour in a single bus, band, gear, crew and all. The September 14th, 2006 show at the Anaheim House of Blues was about three quarters of the way through the tour. For a Thursday night in So Cal, it was a heck of a crowd.

The Anaheim House of Blues is a slightly smaller version of this classic venue (compared to the LA and Las Vegas locations) and kudos go to the video crew for getting some good angles. The performance is top notch (better than the previous evening in LA) and the disc is packed with extras that make it well worth getting the disc. Some editions (mine from Amazon anyway) even came with an edited down bonus CD of the show. Check out my review of the CD version here at Music Street Journal for a breakdown on the songs.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2009  Volume 1 at
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